Parenting: What Really Counts?Parenting: What Really Counts? examines the scientific evidence on what really matters for children's healthy psychological development.The first section considers whether it is necessary to have two parents, a father present, parents who have a genetic link with their child, or parents who are heterosexual. Section two explores the psychological processes that underlie optimal development for children, particularly the quality of the child's relationship with parents, other family members and the wider social world. Contrary to common assumptions, Susan Golombok concludes that family structure makes little difference to children's day-to-day experiences of life.As well as for students, researchers and teachers, Parenting: What really counts? will be of great interest to parents and those thinking of embarking on a non-traditional route to parenthood. It will also be welcomed by professionals working with families and those involved in the development of family policy.Dimensions: 15.49 x 0.76 x 23.37 centimetres (0.29 kg)子育て:何が本当に重要か?子供の健全な心理的発達にとって本当に重要なことに関する科学的証拠を調べる。
一般的な仮定とは対照的に、Susan Golombokは、家族の構造が子供の日常生活の経験にほとんど影響を与えないと結論づけている。
寸法:15.49 x 0.76 x 23.37センチメートル(0.29 kg)------------------------------------ 当店は、アメリカ カリフォルニアを本店とする海外ショップです。
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